Office Workout Challenge

Hi everyone! It’s another late night at the office for me 😦

In an effort to keep up energy levels and ward off restlessness, different groups in my team have started to do hourly exercise blitzes. When the time is called, we alternate among a variety of exercises, including: push-ups, squats, lunges, chair dips, planks, burpees, and whatever else comes up. Other teams nearby must think we’re really weird.

Luckily we were more productive than this…


My arms were already sore from yesterday’s workout, so I think I’m going to be sore again tomorrow. Here’s how the day went down (we didn’t get to every hour):

9:30- wall sit contest (~1:30)
10:30- walking lunges (~30 per leg)
11:30- plank (1:15)
12:30- 10 push-ups
1:30- 5 chair dips
2:30- 5 push ups
3:30- 10 jump squats
4:30- 5 push ups

I suppose it’s working because I definitely was not as sleepy throughout the day, even with only 5 hours of sleep.


I was quite excited this morning when I found out we were getting bagels for breakfast because Einstein’s Bagels has the most delicious pumpkin schmear…drool. I had mine with a toasted honey wheat bagel. I had a quarter of another later on in the day to use up the rest of the leftover schmear. I couldn’t let it go to waste, right? 😛

For lunch I made myself a cheesy tuna melt on a whole grain tortilla with some celery and hummus on the side.

All of my foods are very brown today...



Minus the activities done at work, I’m off to do a 3 mile treadmill run, nosh on some spinach salad, and call it a night.

I still have no idea what I’m going to be doing this weekend, nor do I have a costume. Looks like I’m going to be a bit frazzled tomorrow. Good night!

6 thoughts on “Office Workout Challenge

  1. The pumpkin shmears sounds amazing! I would love to have some of that. There seems to be a lot of snow (base on your last post)! Have a great weekend girl! 🙂

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