Ugly Sweater, Where Art Thou?

Hey, everyone! I’m heading straight into week 2 of holiday parties over here, but I (thankfully) don’t need to dress up. You can only re-use the same dresses so many times in a short time frame, ya know?

This week of parties is definitely more on the fun, silly side than the dressy occasions of last week. Tomorrow is my team holiday party, and we’re going the ugly sweater route. The only problem is, I don’t have an ugly sweater (though some might question that).

Where in the world do you find an ugly sweater??? I guess I haven’t really looked around, but I don’t even know where to start. I suppose I could make my own, but that requires some degree of effort at making something hideous.

I can usually fit into a girls’ size large, so maybe I need to head on over to the kids department of Target to find something. Who knows. It does, however, have to be somewhat work appropriate.

What? Humping reindeer aren’t classy? How about this one?

Oh, right. No nudity. How boring… If I don’t find anything, I will be taking a fun-filled trip to the dollar bins of Target to see what cheap thing I can come up with because I refuse to spend more then $10-$15 on ugly sweater material. Unless I found stuff I could use to decorate my apartment afterward…hmm…


Although yesterday was technically my off day, I don’t think that I’ll get a chance to work out tomorrow, so I did a super quick upper-body workout that took about 20 minutes. I completed each superset (10 reps of each, repeated 3 times before moving to the next) with no breaks in between and kept it light since I haven’t lifted in awhile.

Superset 1: preacher curls + side raises
Superset 2: chair dips + mac raises
Superset 3: chest press + bent-over row
Superset 4: bicep curls + overhead press

On the workout agenda for today: 3 mile easy run

I’m off to knock out this run before I head to happy hour with a friend who’s moving to San Diego (score!), so I’ll catch you tomorrow!

Question of the Day: Have you ever gone to an ugly sweater party? Where did you get your sweater (I really need ideas)?

15 thoughts on “Ugly Sweater, Where Art Thou?

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