25 Years Later

Happy Humpday! Today is extra special for me because it’s my birthday! Woohoo for cheaper insurance rates 😛

25 years ago today, my loving mother gave birth to a tiny 5lb blob she would come to know as her daughter…at 3am. I know because she called me this morning to tell me so hahaha. I thought it would be fun to scan some old baby photos. If only things were digital back in the 80s!

newborn hospital photo

 25 Randoms from the Last Year (in no particular order)

1) Taking a spontaneous trip to Barcelona, Spain.



2) Being single again. This may sound negative, but my ridiculous breakup was the best thing that ever happened to me 🙂

3) Getting promoted.

en route to the Grand Canyon

4) Starting a blog. It’s been really fun looking back at some of my posts to see what I randomly babbled about.

5) Denver Street Chalk Art Festival

Chalk Art Festival

6) Company prize trips! Need I say more? I got to go to Park City, UT and New Orleans, LA for (mostly) free.

7) Bachelorette party for a good friend in Vegas.

Our home for the weekend.

8) Celebrating our 5 year anniversary with my line sisters in Glenwood Springs, CO.

Thao and I our junior year of undergrad back in 2008.

9) Moving into a fantabulous new apartment with attached garage. Bring it on, winter!

10) Sunny days at the park with friends + Mochi.

Team BBQ

11) Getting closer to my mom. I was a brat when I was younger.

12) Changing my tail lights on my car all by myself.

1st Birthday w/my traditional Korean gear + grandma and older cousin

13) Signing up for my first race. Portland RnR Half Marathon, May 2012!

14) Signing up for an earlier half marathon because I’m already ready. Surf City Half, Feb 2012 🙂

15) Online dating. Only thing I can say was: that was interesting….

16) Seeing a personal trainer.

17) Snowboarding with my sister for the first time.

18) Being able to fit into my “skinny” clothes again!

last photo from my 21st birthday...the camera was drunk, too. (I'm on bottom)

19) Free Boyz II Men concert at Taste of Colorado.


20) Denver Restaurant Week (can it be March already??)

21) Hiking 14’er #2: Mt Bierstadt- elevation14,060 ft.


22) The Script + Safety Suit concert

23) Feeling comfortable in my own skin.

24) All of my crazy adventures with friends.

surrounded by cousins and my youngest aunt

25) Healthier than ever and ready to bring on the next quarter of a century!

I’ll be getting off of work early today to head to the dentist, but I actually like going to the dentist, so no big deal. Then I’ll see if I have enough time to squeeze in a run before dinner with some close friends tonight, which I’m super excited for. I’ll partying it up with more people this weekend!  I think this is the most fun birthday I’ve had planned in awhile, so I can’t wait to get this party started.

I hope that your day is swell, and I’ll be sure to catch you up on tonight’s delish eats tomorrow.

Question of the Day: What were some highlights from this past year?

19 thoughts on “25 Years Later

  1. Happy birthday! I love seeing people’s pictures from the past, it’s always fun. One of my highlights from this past year was seeing U2 with my mom when they came to Denver. The concert was amazing and it was so cool being in the Broncos stadium.

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